Got my mate here, one of the young lads. He's going to do a bit for my blog tonight. (None of the others are around, but I think he likes being here...)
Back to me... just to let you know that Agape here was particularly good last night. It was just really hearty stuff. We're also preparing for an evangelistic campaign next week. We'll be taking a tour bus round the local area and challenging one another to break a few fears in sharing the gospel etc. It should be good.White Stone is a great place to find your spirit. And there's great company. When I first came round I thought, okay this is scary. Then one of the brothers told me something that I hadn't told no one, about the way I was feeling. He offered me some prayer.
After 5 minutes I decided okay... and four months on I'm doing really well as a Christian. I particularly get on well with one of the brothers, especially during the last month, he's a good laugh and a great person to be around; a really good brother.
Last week was my first visit to another community house: Kings House. It was bigger than I expected it to be. Like White Stone it's in a really quiet area. The things I liked there was the company and the drumming room!
Other recent news I could mention is the return of one of the families from a few days away, and how a sister has taken a trip to France to see a friend get married, but I think I'll leave my thoughts about these events till a more reflective time.
"tschaka said...
ReplyDeleteI was beginning to wonder how you control what posts get left on a blog. How do you do it?"
Settings/Comments/Show word verification for comments.
There'll be an orange question mark
at the side which, if clicked, will
explain better than I can.
I had a post saying something like
"great post, check this site out"
as I know someone who sends me church sites bt email, like an idiot I clicked the link. Over the next 5 mins I was hammered by a string of health and religion associated comments. Then I realised I'd confirmed my blog address to a 'spam bot'.
For normal deletions, if you read comments after logging into blogspot, you'll notice a waste bin icon at the bottom of a comment.
If you click it and hit delete, (I think) "deleted by administrator" will appear in comments. Underneath that tho' you'll find a tick box saying "permenantly delete". If that's ticked, the comment will
simply disappear.
Hope that helps.