We called it RAW - Real and Wild discipleship, it took place in Northampton and it's produced momentum among our generation. Where before you could find cynicism, listlessness, compromise and misunderstanding now we're seeing a 2nd generation Jesus movement rising up to show what following Jesus is really about - so there was fasting, there were healings, there was help for the poor, there were signs and wonders, there was sharing homes, there was the challenge to live single all our days, the word spread and over three days the numbers increased. We delved into our past and dreamed of a future
where nothing counts but a people honed by the love of Jesus showing Jesus to an uncertain world.

For me it was an experience of growing as I helped lead a platoon of saints around the streets of Leicester talking to people about Jesus. And it was a time of learning that God is willing to work through the humble and bring them into His service.
And I can hardly wait for RAW 2008.
photos by Kathryn Callard