
Living forever - Jesus Army Life

This morning I was thinking: actually I'd quite like to live forever, even if it was on this earth, in this body - as long as I could cope with a graceful descent into old age! There you go, perhaps I am easily satisfied. I enjoy the friendships photo by underbunny of flickr.comI have and the God who guides my path. But I'm not ignorant of the many injustices in this world, the cruelty of life and man that can sap your zest and drive you to despair, that shadow has passed over me too. It's just that I've found a kind of 'love', and that makes life worth living.

How about you?

photo by underbunny of flickr.com


  1. Living forever - I'd rather do it in a resurrection body...

  2. Of course, but that doesn't answer the question...

  3. I wouldn't want to live forever, no way. I don't want to put up with the rubbish that happens in life for eternity (it is bordering on being in hell) Also think of the loneliness when all your friends are long dead and at 250 years old you will be in a nursing home and every day every one will be expecting you to die, and you will be treated as a medical curiosity and put all kinds of cruel and demeaning tests. Plus you will have worldwide fame as a freak which would eventually drive you mad and as you will live forever there will be no escape. Awful.

  4. hmmm... live forever. i'm afraid i'm a touch too cynical. even if i didn't end up a medical freak who grew older but never died, there's still the part about everyone i know being dead. i'd rather do my forever in another world
