
I believe - Jesus Army Life, Day 289

It's been an interesting few days for me, not least because I find myself constantly thinking and praying about several of the younger men who, in some part, look to me for direction. Just yesterday I had a phone call from one who, by his own admission, is to blame for his problems. But he just wanted to come round because he feels life is a particularly desperate. I hesitated for a moment, knowing I was supposed to be leading a group for a friend that evening, but said, "yes, come round". Somehow we'd work it out... but he never turned up.

I still feel angry about a world where people can find themselves trapped and screwed up. But I feel for those who get caught out. And I know that the responsibility falls to me to advertise, through my own life, a better way.

Either Jesus works or He doesn't. I believe He does, and I believe that I'll be able to tell you my prayers have been answered.


  1. Anonymous11/5/06 16:56

    Far better to concentrate the camera on yourself to show whether Jesus is having an good effect on your life or not than via Johari, which was not edifying. But always remember that He admitted that in His Father's house were many mansions. Could it be that any of these mansions might be occupied by godly people who did not follow or even know of Jesus?

  2. el viejo

    I don't think I'd call someone 'godly' if they didn't show in their lives that they where following/knowing jesus. 'religious',yes!'godly',no!

    ; ) The TJ

  3. Anonymous13/5/06 12:10

    tj, those who follow Jesus are called Christians but not all Christians are 'godly'. All over the world I have been privileged to meet some godly people. This for example includes a swamiji in Bangalore who fulfilled his beliefs (very like those Christ taught) and had risked his very life to bring comfort to untouchables. He took me round on his visits and I was struck by his 'godliness'. It would be the height of arrogance to dismiss him as just religious.

  4. The interesting thing about that reading of the John 14 verse is that a few sentences later comes the famous "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus seems to be declaring that those even of his own Jewish faith will not find salvation without him. He makes himself the route to salvation in every single way: regardless of culture, understanding or even time. His promise to house many does seem to be on the basis of their "knowing the way to the the place he was going."

    Anyway glad we're shifting the focus back to Jesus.

  5. Anonymous15/5/06 21:59

    I often think that i'll be surprised by the people i'll see in heaven...assuming i make it! I love jesus for the fact that he knows us all as individuals and sees the true true nature of our hearts and motivations. So i try not to work out who's going and who's not, just try to do what i know i have to do - which is follow jesus.
