
It's been emotional - Jesus Army Life, Day 309

The passing of a week leaves you with a lot to write about. I think there are two emotional moments I'd like to recount.

The first was my hugging a young disciple whose faith is on the rocks. I didn't want to, but I was so angry with the lies and thoughtlessness he's shown, things would have been worse if I'd flared up at him. Was I lying myself when I hugged him? I have wondered. It felt like the most emotionally hypocritical thing I could have done. I know this, I love him and will miss him terribly when he's gone.

The second was last night. This time it was a sister who was in tears because she missed someone. I think we could all empathise; the silence round the Agape table said it all. I know I felt the same, if not as intensely then with the same sense of misgiving. It was a genuine moment of grief. The relationships that last in this house are the ones that are built on love, and then sometimes, not even that is enough to keep your friends safe.

Do not lead us into temptation
but deliver us from the evil one.


  1. Anonymous1/6/06 08:09

    Beefan said...
    i cryed on saturday coz i miss her too! then i rang her but she didnt pick up so i left a well long message n then i got a text saying sorry im banned from talking to you. what the heck is up with that we are a church that is supposed to love and help everyone what help are we to her if she cant even talk to us. how much more do u think saten will attack her now shes on her own away from the body. hes going to be telling her shes a reject and we hate her and she cant even talk to us to find out flipping crap rule. this church drives me mad!

  2. I understand Bethan, it's painful for all of us, though this isn't the place to discuss specific pastoral matters. It may help to know that avenues for discussion are open - with this member's shepherd.

  3. Anonymous1/6/06 11:07

    Shunning, excommunicating, disfellowshipping are all in my view evil and mostly counterproductive. Within a close community it may become necessary to remove the bad apple but the cruel, holier-than-thou attitude taken by others has rarely been, in my view, a compassionate Christian thing to do. Those who do it should remember the admonition not to judge lest they themselves be judged, and they should remember that Jesus never shunned Judas nor any of the other disciples who showed their faults.
    Was this a collective decision or was it just made by the leaders?

  4. I hug my children even when I'm very angry with them...I recently hugged a friend that I was really cross at too.I don't think it is at all hypoctitical to hug someone even if you are cross at them.

    With my friend I gave him a hug,said..'I still love you but I'm sure ticked off at you too'.

    It's ok to be ticked off at someone as long as you've loving them to and thats not a contradiction in terms...if we never got ticked off with those we love at time we'd not be human

    ; ) The TJ

  5. The strict translation is 'condemn not lest you be condemned', the connotation is somewhat different. Here the issue is one of careful restoration not condemnation. And it was Jesus himself who gave instruction on this matter. Now, as I requested above please let's exercise some sensitivity here and not pursue such intimate inquiry.

  6. Anonymous5/6/06 17:52

    it is never wrong to give a hug no matter how we feel and no matter what someone has done. if we have a problem with a person it is up to us to get before the throne and sort it with God. I would never with hold a hug from one of my children no matter what tehy have done (well i might have done but now i am convicted) forgivness is a wonderful gift. tschaka yoiu are doing great bro keep doing just what yoiu are it is not always possible to see what is going on underneath often we just see the surface and that seems desperate but as a seed germinates we do not see it in the ground till the new shoot appears much esteem ton yoiu bro
