
Mundane Monday - Jesus Army Life, Day 89

Life has felt pretty mundane recently. And that's just the biggest lie ever!

Life is far from mundane, and there's so much going on in my life I can't understand why I'd feel that way...

Last night, at church, I was talking to a man who is successfully weaning himself off a heroin addiction. Should he get clean, he has everything to live for. Life feels worthwhile if you can just help someone like that even a little bit along the way. I mean what else is there to live for but loving others?

So why does life feel so mundane? I'm not sure. Things came home to me most when a young disciple of mine, someone I love, found himself in serious trouble. In bed that night, I couldn't help feeling that things were almost too tedious to bear! Now surely that's the wrong response. I guess I just felt stressed.

I want to enjoy life, and there is a huge amount to enjoy... perhaps... well... is knowing the need to keep giving out in love causing a war within myself?... a war with my 'self?' all because I want some 'me' time? I literally don't have any other life and I don't want any other distraction than the Kingdom of God. I truly enjoy the life I lead. How, at the same time, can I feel so out of kilter?


  1. Might I suggest 'it's the voice that calls' mate, and not yours. Perhaps you've heard, but not understood, or something passed under your radar?

    I remember someone describing it to me as a "flash". It's what happens when your responsiblities a varied and many, (and yours are!) and you y'need a little push to look for that little extra something you need to give in service. Usually when it's the last thing you Want! :)

    A little something 'um - outrageous?
    that gets you into the radar but below the spotlight? It needn't be profound (for anyone else) - Just, unusal for you.

    A couple of examples :-

    A staid guy that after a couple of days fasting, who painted his visible parts purple to make a point in his teaching.

    Another who hid in a wardrobe on stage thro'out a winning weekend.

    A guy who loved company who raised money for the Purse by busking - alone.

    A quiet and shy guy who designed and led a Techno-Style service, complete with rap & light show...

    Hmm? What does your caring bro' say?

  2. ps. excuse my spelling and grammatical errors - I had a lot of distractions
    around me as I was typing :)

  3. Thanks Wheelie, I don't know really. I guess I just have to grasp the nettle of life with both hands...
