
Glad to be bonded to you? - Jesus Army Life, Day 54

Here I am, sneezing away because I've just moved offices and there is dust everywhere! What has that got to do with living in a Christian community? Well, I work for my church so I kinda take community life to work with me. But if I did so before, I do so now more than ever: from today I'm sharing an office with the same guy who introduced me to this community church, the same chap who heads up the community house we all started together, he's also my closest friend. Can you get any closer in community? Well, thank goodness I'm not married to the fella! (Should I mention that he asked me??... he was at the time alluding to a covenant of fellowship... erm... dig hole, dig hole.)

So, we're working together, traveling together, living together, building church together. You can probably count the days till our first argument, but we've been friends for eleven years. They say love is stronger than death. Let's hope so.


  1. Anonymous6/9/05 08:10

    I think Tsk that you have no idea of the POWER of the message of love that your sharing on here today conveyed. My lay preacher postman had a tear in his eye. Said he had no idea it was all going on out there. And do you know I think there are old men around who wish they were still young and with you!! Well done. Its truly powerful this stuff. Its a gift to be able to write it and share it, you have found your calling I think. Amen love Kay

  2. Thanks for the encouragements... so far so good.
