
The Transporter - Jesus Army Life, Day 136

In community we try to share transport as much as possible. Sometimes it can be a bit of a nightmare. A couple of weekends ago the 'transport deacon' had to make seven different lists for all the traveling that took on the Sunday. It doesn't exactly sound like living in simplicity does it? But he did make everyone else's life easier and he must have looked after about 30 people that day.

Last night, of course, it was snowing. To make it worse we were delayed leaving our office and the deacon had had to rearrange transport already because someone had to work late where he was too. We ended up transporting seven people home in the people carrier and arrived home 40 minutes later than intended, only to have to rush off again for the evening's church leaders' meeting.

Still, it makes life interesting, if not a little complicated sometimes.

(The meeting was excellent by the way, all about the 'Ziklag experience' where we leave behind our Saul mindset to find our David spirit... because it is not our character which achieves God's work but our availability for his purpose.)


  1. Cool word, innit - Ziklag? It'd work well on "Call my Bluff": the break someone has in between tracks on their ipod? the feeling of nausea one gets after a long plane journey? or maybe the time wasted by driving slowly in snow in order to ensure one doesn't end up zigzagging across the road...

  2. But submitting to Gods will and purpose doesn't mean we lose our character. David, after all, didn't become God. He became open to him and served his purpose, understanding it and being in agreement with it.

    It's what being a servant is all about. Service is a path we choose.

    Hey James - ever thought about a stage career? :)

  3. James... please dont say 'cool' or 'innit' ever again.

    You wouldn't catch me saying 'rather' or 'unpack' now would you?

    You stick to your words, and i'll stick to mine, innit.

    Keep posting Tschakalaka.

  4. Wheelie - if only you knew.... oh and by the way, Sheep, it's just my chav interior getting the better of me, but I'll try and keep it under control from now on...
